Thursday, January 29, 2015

Football Funding Workshop

The Herefordshire Football Association is running a workshop designed to help clubs obtain funding.

Want to find funding for your team? Want to find funding for your club? Need funding for facilities or a project?  Or maybe just need some extra footballs?

The HFA can help!

In 2014, the HFA helped to bring in £321,000 in additional funding for football projects.

Why not come along to get an insight into the world of football funding?

Date: 18th Feb
Time: 19.00 - 21.30
Venue: HFA HQ
LIMITED PLACES: To secure your place at the workshop please contact Roger Goodwin via email:

Below are some examples of items the HFA have helped to get funded in 2014:

·          Footballs
·          Football Kit
·          Large Storage Containers
·          Changing Rooms
T    Temporary Floodlights (Portable ones!)
·          Creating new teams (16+)
·          Training Areas (Not 3Gs)
·          New Mower
·          Under Soil Drainage
·          Goalposts
·          Flooding Repairs
·          Creating New Teams
·          Coaching Qualifications
 Changing Room Repairs