Thursday, January 29, 2015

Edgar Street Lease 'Guidance'

The Football Ground, Edgar Street lease guidance

Applications should be made no later than midday on Thursday 19 February 2015 and returned to:
The Director of Economy, Communities and Corporate Services
Herefordshire Council
Plough Lane Offices
Applicants will need to be available to provide a formal presentation to an executive member panel on Monday 23 February 2015 (time to be advised).
The successful applicant will be offered the grant of a lease to be effective from 1 March 2015 until 31 July 2017.
For informal enquiries and the arrangement of site visits please contact either:
Ian Higgs
Development manager
Tel: 01432 261569
Tony Featherstone
Head of Corporate Asset Management
Tel: 01432 383368
Criteria for the assessment of applications for the grant of the lease for the Edgar Street Athletic Ground, Hereford
  1. Evidence of strong governance arrangements to include ownership structure and control
  2. Financial plans demonstrating how the organization will effectively meet all outgoings as they fall due over the full term of the lease. These should include details of any proposed investment needed to improve and maintain the facility
  3. Long term plans for the clubs development
  4. Health and safety competence and the ability to manage the grounds safety compliance
  5. Details of plans for investment in local talent and engagement with local Football Association and youth structures
  6. Details of engagement with local stakeholders and the local community. This should include proposals for any partnership activity and delivery arrangements
  7. Arrangements for any non-sporting activities
  8. Understanding of terms included within the lease for the facility
Applicants should include details of their solicitors acting in connection with this matter.