Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth

The following is reported from Talksport, who interviewed Ellistown & Ibstock United's chairman:

Tommy Agombar was seen berating players after the match, alongside an unnamed individual, despite being claimed to be nothing more than an enthusiastic season ticket holder:

as tweeted by one of the Ellistown players
There is a simple demand, at another low ebb for the club, that the truth is told to supporters. They are the people that genuinely care about the club, that have seen generations of their families go through the cascade of emotions that are associated with being a fan of this club.

The current controllers of the club seemingly have no perception of the depth of feeling of the supporters, and they have totally ignored - week after week - demands to inform fans as to the future for the club.

The club's only two remaining Directors - John Edwards and Elke Thuerlings - have disappeared from the face of the earth as fast as they appeared. Their claimed good intentions appear currently to be a mere charade to cloud the actual control of the club.

Andy Lonsdale and Tommy Agombar - and whoever else is actually in charge - seemingly have no ability to comprehend the pain and suffering going on at watching this pathetic pantomime that sees the club a laughing stock with players still unpaid and wondering if they have a bed to sleep in each night due to mounting debts.

The club needs to be honest, something promised by Andy Lonsdale - but never delivered - some weeks ago. The fans need honesty, openness, and an explanation in clear, simple, language as to how the club will continue into the future. 

And this truth should be told today.