Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Future Of Hereford County Hospital Meeting Saturday

Ahead of Saturday's home match with Barrow, the Starlite Rooms is holding a public meeting to discuss the future of Hereford County Hospital.

The meeting, starting at 10.30am, has been called by Hereford MP Jesse Norman, who writes:

If you are concerned about the future of Hereford's County Hospital please do come along to this meeting. The hospital is struggling under a long-accumulated deficit, a ruinously expensive PFI contract and an unfair funding system that does not recognise the difficulty of delivering healthcare in a sparsely populated rural area.

There is a real risk that without effective action now the County Hospital will suffer cuts in services--or it could even be merged with another hospital. Everything needs to be done to protect our Hospital, but it requires your support.

Further details on the meeting will be released on it's Facebook page, while Jesse Norman has written about the matter on his site.