Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ketye Gives Update On Financial Situation

David Keyte being interviewed for BBC H&W by Terry Goodwin
Hereford United chairman David Keyte has given an exclusive interview about the current financial situation to BBC Hereford and Worcester.

"We've not met the tax bill," said Keyte.

"We were able to offer a part of the payment and the response was that if it's not cleared in full then they would send it off to their solicitors to start proceedings.

"So I made a decision we may as well keep it, told them to log it down as zero payment and we'll keep it for wages.

"We were able to pay the non-playing wages yesterday.

"Slight disappointment that we haven't had the FA Cup money. £12,500 on the last round.

"We know it will come through, probably after the Shrewsbury match.

"The donations that have been coming in have been absolutely fantastic.

"I understand that there are some thoughts out there that it's all too much but it does all add up."

Keyte was then asked how he thought things would develope over the next week.

"The players are going to be paid on Wednesday which means they will be paid in October.

"We have put out tickets for Saturday's match and they are going quite well. That's money in the bank. And people are buying the double ticket for Luton.

"We're clearing a week at a time.

"And yes that leaves the big one, the two PAYE bills and the VAT.

"The disappointing thing about the old VAT was that we had done a deal to clear that at £2K per week. We've done that for four weeks but because we couldn't pay the PAYE, the same HMRC department decided they wanted the old VAT in full or nothing.

"It is around £120K that is the HMRC outstanding debt.

"I don't honestly know the timescale.

"The first response was that they had forwarded it to their solicitors.

"When we asked about the timescale they said it depended how busy the solicitors are.

"We hope there are ways of delaying the inevitable.

"We don't intend to be going into administration unless we are forced into it by the taxman.

"There are 70 to 80 people who are employed at various times particuarily match days through to the community trust.

"There are a few hurdles to go through yet I'm sure but technically speaking we are in their hands now.

"They can come in and decide what is worth £100K. I'm not too sure what is worth £100K around the ground.

"In all seriousness, we are in their hands now because we haven't paid the bill."
Fellow director Dave Preedy talkng to David Keyte before the game