Thursday, July 26, 2012

Torquay Slam New FL Websites

On the day the Bulls' official website gets a makeover for the new FL Interactive styling, Torquay's press officer has taken a shot at the new designs.

In a lengthy piece, which writer Tim Herbert doubts will be read as few can access the site since the redesign, he says the site is 'beset by bugs, glitches, and faults' and that the new style meant that the website's 'reputation had been smashed'.

Herbert complains of articles going missing, lines being cut in half - horizontally - between pages, and of random articles from other sites appearing on their pages. He also notes a similar complaint over Perform Group, the providers that FLi have taken over from, during his previous job with Plymouth - who are also reported to be furious at their new website. Herbert says the two Devon clubs are not alone:

'It is a similar story across the Football League and to be part of the e-mail circulars sent by Press Officers up and down the country gives an indication of the anger and annoyance felt by those on the frontline.'

On the Torquay website now, the original article has been replaced acknowledging a request from the Football League to remove the article. The new article expects the FL to issue a statement absolving clubs of blame and acknowledging what has gone wrong with the change.