Thursday, July 26, 2012

Legal Issues Delay Market Redevelopment

Anyone visiting Edgar Street recently must have noticed the former livestock market site, just opposite the football ground, is fast becoming even more of an eye-sore than it was when it was operational.

The area around has been boarded up and even the pavements rendered unusable.

Yet nothing appears to be happening on site fueling speculation that there is a problem with the 'deal'.

According to the Hereford Times, developers Stanhope will only say the 'legal issues' are delaying the redevelopment. But there is a worry that agreements with the likes of Waitrose to take space on the site may be in jeopady unless progress is made sooner as opposed to later.

Meanwhile this delay could, no doubt, have an effect on Hereford United's plans to redevelopment both ends of the football ground. The club needs income from such projects to help balance the books.