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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Ten Years Ago Today - HUST Meeting To Discuss Proposals For New Club

A look back to January 14th 2015. Hereford United was no more and plans were going ahead to form a new club Hereford FC.

Full House For HUST Meeting

Full House For The HUST Meeting
There was a full house for last night's HUST meeting which was arranged to discuss the proposals for a new club which hopes to play at Edgar Street next season.

Around 300 supporters filled the venue at the Welsh club with around 30 more in an 'overfill' room.

Chris Williams - HUST Chairman
HUST's Chris Williams chaired the meeting.  With him on top table were Jon Hale and Phil Eynon from the business group and Hust vice-chairman Martin Watson.

After welcoming everyone he said that the meeting would discuss the principles of the formation of a new football club.

Jon Hale - Leader Of The Business Group
Jon Hale, leader of the business group, explained the proposal. The timing was crucial given that an application had to be made to the FA by March 1st.

"We need to go in with everyone behind us."

The ground must be ready for day on, hopefully in August.

Hale reminded supporters that lots of problems could arise especially if the stadium needs expenditure. That was why they were pleased to have the promise of £50K each from three benefactors.

Shares in Hereford FC will cost £1 each with a minimum purchase of 2000. There will be strict rules for anyone wanting shares. The reasoning behind this is to only sell shares to supporters. There will be no dividends from shares.

The Hereford FC business plan has been sent to Herefordshire Council.

The budget for the new club will be 'very cautious'. It's 'got to be right'.

The aim is to employ a commercial/office manager on a full-time basis. Manager and players would be part-time for at least the first few seasons.

The budget is working on home gates of 650 with around 200 season tickets holders. It was hoped this would be higher but 'the budget has to be right' so a prudent approach is being taken.

Another aim will be to seek maximum advertising revenue. One way will be by using branded merchandise with the Hereford FC logo.

It was hoped that UITC will come under the Hereford FC banner.

The set up of the new company aims to protect the club for 'generations to come'. 

Phil Eynon Answering A Question
The articles of association will be written by a corporate lawyer.

Never again will there will be 'run and ruin' situation.

In the next month, meetings will be held with the Herefordshire council and the FA to try and get the lease of Edgar Street and, if successful an application to the FA for a league to play in.

It's not known what level that might be. Could be the same league as Westfields. As it's a phoenix club it might have to start two leagues below the Southern League.

The case will be put to the FA with the hope of playing just one league lower. It is hoped that the police might help Hereford FC's case because of the expectation of decent away following.

The FA had been 'very impressed' so far. The HFA had also been 'very helpful'.

"What's gone has gone.

"Forever United - Let's make it happen."

Chris Williams said that there had to be compromise.

"The offer is a good one".

HUST members will vote on the offer in an online ballot next week.

There followed an hour or so of questions.

A couple of points from the answers.

Everyone pays.

Trust have £30K in the bank. They need to raise £250K in total to take 50% of the shares. Hopefully in three years.

There will only be ordinary shares.

1555 HUST members.

The bars might be put out to tender.

Several questions about the benefactors and whether their names should be made public.

And also about the articles of association. Some felt they should be made public before the HUST vote but that couldn't happen according to Eynon.

The minimum £2K share purchase was raised. One supporter felt this limit was too high especially as the club needs to embrace all supporters. The answer given was that a £2K minimum would be easier to manage and that supporters could help HUST buy shares.