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Friday, February 04, 2022

Boston - Definitely A Tough One Said Gowling

Josh Gowling

In his pre-match interview with the OS, Josh Gowling has admitted that tomorrow's game against Boston will definitely be a tough one.

"They are a good side, they have got Elliot who scores goals, they have got Byrne who was at Brackley last year, they have got Shiels at the back, Dimaio in the 10 pocket, so they have got some really good players. 

"They are quite direct, but with that, when you have the likes of Elliot up top, you can be a bit more direct because he has that quality to get in behind things and latch onto things. 

"They have got Preston up top as well who is a bit more jinkey, and he has a sweet left foot. 

"We are going to have to make sure we don’t take anything for granted, we are at home so we are going to want to control the game in possession. 

"But on the flipside in transition we need to make sure we don’t get caught out with their direct play." 

Read more at: https://www.herefordfc.co.uk/interview-gowling-on-chorley-and-boston/