Saturday, August 03, 2019

We Controlled Most Of The Game Said Ainsley

Jason Ainsley, the Spennymoor manager, felt his side controlled most of the game at Edgar Street this afternoon. But despite going 2-1 ahead in the second half, the game ended in a draw after substitute Tom Owen-Evans equalised.

"I thought our game management was very very good today," Ainsley told Spennymoor TV.

"I thought we controlled most of the game especially second half.

"In the first half we got into some really good areas, it was just the final pass or the final shot.

"I thought we defended very well as a group, we kept the ball well.

"It was a tough opening day fixture like at Chester last year. Hostile crowd.

"They've had two or three chances but second half I thought we dominated the football.

"End of the first half we should have had a blatent red card. That changes the game massively, Glen is running onto goal and he's brought him down.

"The ref didn't see as he was looking at another incident but the linesman saw it and he said it wasn't a foul so you've got to go with that.

"Second half I thought we were exceptional and I'm just disappointed to come back from 1-0 down, go 2-1 up, and then we don't keep the lead long enough really. We've got to see that out.

"It's a tough place to come but I think we warranted something out of the game and if we had kept the lead a little bit more we always looked a threat on the attack."