Saturday, August 03, 2019

Junior Bulls Raise £1000 For The Club

The Junior Bulls have raised £1000 for the club mainly through player sock sponsorship. They presented a cheque to chairman Andrew Graham at half time this afternoon.

Will Duggan And Evie Haffenden Presenting The Cheque To Chairman Andrew Graham
"It was from the player sock sponsorship which we did last season and some fundraising events that took place in the Junior Bulls gazebo," said Jane Griffiths, the JB co-ordinator.

"Each Junior Bull member could take part for £20 per head and they got their smelly socks at the end of the season.

"We're doing it again this season."

Meanwhile next Tuesday the Junior Bulls are running travel to the Gloucester game at Evesham.

"Free for Junior Bulls members and there are a few spaces left," Jane told BN.