Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Planning Application For 'The Hereford Suite'

A planning application has been put into Herefordshire Council on behalf of Hereford FC.

The application refers to cladding and signs on the Hereford Suite. 

Bit of a shame they can't spell Hereford correctly.

Removal of existing time expired external cladding and replacement with new. (Part retrospective) Existing projecting hanging sign to East elevation to be retained. Club badge to be incorporated on new cladding (transfers) to each the North, South and East elevations. Lettering to depict 'HERFEFORD FC' to be incorporated (transfers) on each South and East sides of the South and East quoin. 

Update May 8th: BN has been asked to point out the spelling mistake was that of Hereford Council and not of Hook Mason Ltd who made the planning application.