Wednesday, July 12, 2017

26 Applications For Hereford FC General Manager

Hereford FC have received 26 applications for the new post of general manager at the club.

Directors were given the information at last Monday's board meeting.

The decision to appoint a general manager was taken after a business review of the club.

"We sifted through them at Monday evening's board meeting to see which ones we will interview," director Mike Langford told BN.

"We've been staggered at the amount of interest."

The club only advertised the new position just once on its website which suggested to some that they might have someone lined up.

"There was never anyone lined up, not at all.

"We've got 26 and we'll see what's what."

Langford said that the position had risen partly after Ken Kinnersley stepped down as chief executive.

"It's not as such a new position, it's really taking over from Ken's original job before he became chairman.

"It's filling that void.

"We've got a very small staff and we need someone to replace Ken.

"Ken was paid part of a salary at his own request.

"The club is growing, basically we're going up the leagues, and we need the stability of a general manager to run the business.

"There is a time scale and it's something we want to do sooner than later especially with the season starting."

Is part of the reason you wish to appoint a general manager to create more income for the club?

"It's a mixture of creating more income and bolstering the team.

"We're not just a ordinary football club in the Southern League. We are a big fish in a small pond.

"Basically with the stadium to run and nearly 3,000 supporters to cater for at every home match we need a very firm base.

"Ken did a very good job but since he became chairman there's been a bit of a void."