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Saturday, April 01, 2017

Edgar Street Pitch Looked Immaculate This Afternoon

There's little doubt that this afternoon's game between Hereford and Wantage was played on an Edgar Street pitch that looked immaculate. Some said they had never seen the pitch in better condition.

So how has this come about?

BN spoke to head groundsman Ben Bowen just before kick-off.

How do you manage to find so much time to devote to the pitch?

"I try to sneek hours here and there, just trying to be here as much as I can.

"We started here 12 noon yesterday and I left at 8pm last night.

"Back in at 6.30am this morning so 47K later and about 50,000 steps we've got a pitch to be proud of I think.

"Last year it was a struggle to get games on but we got every game on which was good.

"This year the weather has been a bit kinder to us but the pitch is looking like this from hard work, a bit of sheer grunt and putting the hours in"

After the season is over are there any plans for the pitch?

"It depends on the state of the pitch as I think we have between 20 and 25 games left, finals and cup finals, junior finals.

"If it doesn't deteriorate too much we'll do the 'carro' job but as not as severe.

"Last year we took about 25 mls off, this year if she stays like she is now, about 10/15 mls. Same process, same job."

Ben works for Highground Maintenance.

"It's not all about me, I'm the front of it all but I've got a cracking team with me."