Friday, July 31, 2015

Currently At Hereford FC

Chris Ammonds has given the Bulls Banter Forum an insight as to what is going on at Hereford FC.

In the office at the moment we are currently dealing with the following:
The collection of 1200 plus season tickets. Every collection needs to be signed for and then updated on the database.

We are still selling season tickets. Each one needs to be recorded and added to the database.

We are selling Dunkirk tickets in a number of different ways.

We are selling merchandise.

We have prepared a 16 page programme for tomorrow and there is a 48 page programme to sort for next weekend.

We have a target of 100 plus advertising board to sell.

We have over 75 advertising boards that have already been sold to organise and get installed before August 8th. All these need to be invoiced for and then payment chased.

We have match, matchball, player and mascot packages to try to sell and organise. They need recording, invoicing and the payment needs chasing,

We have to keep detailed financial records of all the above for tax purposes etc and do the banking involved.

There is a website to keep updated and try to improve.

We have between 20 and 30 e-mail queries to deal with everyday and phone calls to deal with. It's fair to say that the phone probably rings every five minutes.

We also have contractors at the stadium still working as well as face-to-face enquiries from fans to deal with a number of times a day.

We are at home tomorrow. We have that to plan for to ensure everything is in place for supporters.

We are at home next Saturday. We have that to plan for to ensure everything is in place for supporters. A bumper crowd is expected as you will all know.