Tuesday, June 16, 2015

No More Signings Yet Says Beadle

After this morning's launch of Hereford FC's new home shirt, BN caught up with manager Peter Beadle and to begin with asked him if there had been any more signings.

"No, it's still six," said Beadle.

"We've got another sixteen to eighteen attending at pre-season in addition to those six.

"But these are lads I haven't seen a huge amount of or never seen before.

"These are players we've gone after, or people have recommended, and outside of that I've still got two or three I'm chasing at the moment who I'd like to bring in as quickly as possible.

"It's going as well as I expected it to be, we've had an abundance of players who want to come to Hereford. Some from park level to some with a really good standard of football and some of those will be coming in when we start in two weeks."

Beadle was asked if any more players from the youth team might be signed.

"The three that are coming in are localish boys. Everyone else is with other clubs at the moment as far as I know.

"There is one I spoke to and he wants to have a chance at something else before he makes his mind up so we will give the time to find his feet but he does know there will be a space here if that doesn't work out for him."

There's speculation about Matt James from your youth team being offered a deal.

"I have rung Matt James who I presume is away so I haven't spoken to him as yet.

"Matt's done extremely well for UITC, he's another local boy and he's one I would like to bring in for pre-season to have a look at him and see what he's like with the group.

"So as soon as he is back hopefully we'll make contract."

The very experienced Tony James has joined Hereford FC. Do you need a few more seasoned players like him just for balance?

"If they arrive one or two lads with experience would always be a bonus.

"And again Joel (Edwards) even at 23/24 he's got great experience, he's played in the Conference and I would see him as a senior figure in the group. 

"So we have the two and I'm still working on two or three at the moment and one of them could be of the same sort of ilk as Tony.

"It's all work in progress and we just keep moving forward with it."

Asked about 'selling' Hereford FC to potential players, Beadle said he would have liked to have had more time to inform players about the club.

"It would have been nice to have gone around to every single player I've spoken to with a presentation on a lap-top and say look this is what you are could be coming to, show the highlights of and the supporters at the Alfreton game (the last home game of the 13/14 season).

"I'm sure that would have inspired them and really sort of nudged them this way but we couldn't do that and it's been up to them to do their own background checks as we would for players.

"However I really do think that the League we are in has put one or two off and that's fair enough.

"Some of the boys I've spoken to have been playing Conference North football - this would be a drop down of four divisions almost to come and play for us.

"And as much as they wanted to come and play for Hereford, it's not Hereford but it's the league we are in, not the club.

"We knew the league we are going to be in so I've got no complaints about that but again I would be doing my job right if I didn't go after the best players I can possibly get to bring to the club.

"Some of the ones we've tried to get haven't come but some of them have so we're really pleased with where we are right now."

After a few weeks in the season most managers usually ask the directors for a bigger budget. Have you?

"No, like I said I knew what I was dealing with from the start, the club have been very transparent in everything they've done and how they want to do it and that's fine.

"The budget is a good budget for the League we are going to be playing in. 

"That was maybe a problem for some of the players that have contacted me very early on. They saw Hereford FC and they thought great, lots of money. So when I told them the most I could offer them there was a deadly silence and you could hear running away.

"The budget is great and we've got to work with it.

"This is our first season back and it's always going to be tough no matter what league we were going to be in, it was going to be tough.

"The board are finding their feet, a lot of this is new for some of them as well, and they are being extremely sensible about what they want to do.

"And they have to make sure that this club doesn't find itself in a situation in five years, ten years, one hundred years from now that it found itself in very recently.

"So they need to be commended on the job they are doing right now and all the work that's going on here and what they are fronting.

"Yes in time I'll be on the phone to the Chairman and I'll be asking him for more as any manager would do."