Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Important Notice For All Volunteers

This from Hereford FC:

Saturday Working Parties
Due to the fact that time is passing quickly and there is still much work to be completed, Hereford FC will, in future, be holding ‘volunteer days’ on Saturday each week.
Therefore, we will not be sending emails to notify individuals of organised working parties, we will just rely on this ‘Open Invitation’ to all our volunteers to report at 9.25am every Saturday until further notice.
If you are coming to help, please remember to bring protective gloves, working clothes, a pack lunch and a mug or similar.
Match Day
We are also still looking for match day volunteers to assist in operating the club.
The roles we are seeking to fill are as follows (training will be provided where appropriate) – turnstile operators, stewards, stretcher bearers, qualified First Aiders, match ticket sales, programme sellers, ground cleaning team, and also facilitators to come into the club pre-match and assist with setting up the tables and chairs required for the various hospitality and social rooms.
We need a lot of volunteers so we have sufficient to operate a rota system and offer cover for holidays, illness’ and other unavoidable events that happen in life. Hereford FC cannot stress enough the level of match day volunteer support we are going to require to operate the club safely, efficiently, and sustainably, and in that order of priority.
Your help is needed and will be gratefully received.
Operations Director Ken Kinnersley will be pleased to hear from anyone over the age of 17 who is willing to help the match day task force in any of the tasks mentioned.
Time is running out so please make contact as soon as possible. Email to volunteers@herefordfc.co.uk.
Many thanks to you all.