Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Club Needs More Help On Matchdays

Ken Kinnersley
Hereford FC needs more help on matchdays says co-ordinator Ken Kinnersley.

"Match days is the big problem." Kinnersley told BN.

"We've had a lot of volunteers here at weekends cleaning the place up but matchdays are a problem.

"We need more turnstile operators, we need both stewards. Both people who are already stewards and people are willing to train as stewards.

"We need people who are willing to come in on a Saturday morning. We could do with a gang of about eight or ten people, so it rotates a little bit, to come and move furniture around, set rooms up for functions, set up the hospitality units.

"The more bodies we've got then many hands make light work and we can share it around so people don't have to come for every games, we can sort out a rota system.

"I also want to put together a stretcher party. I've got a couple of people who have already put their names forward for that.They will be trained by Doctor Frith to do the job properly.

"And there are many little jobs that will need doing, some of them we probably haven't identified yet."

Kinnersley then spoke about the volunteers who have been helping clean up Edgar Street.

"They are un-believable. They are a small gang of about 25 who have turned out regularily.

"The amount of work they've done and the spirit in which they've done it has been just incredible, particularily when you think about some of the material they had to handle early on.

"They are still here now, they come in now on a daily basis when they've got a few hours.

"We had a chap on Sunday who caught a train in Buckingham at some ridiculous hour to come to Hereford to take part in a painting group. He arrived just before mid-day, got straight into it, worked through until 4pm and then shot off back to the station to get on his train back to Buckingham.

"We had another group on Saturday. One chap had come down from Derby, second time if not the third time. They did a lot of white painting of the Meadow End.

"They decided, nothing to do with me, that they would come back here this week, I'm expecting them tomorrow, to paint all of the curved wall on the fans side of the Meadow End.

"Any fan of this club who understands what these people are doing will be full of admiration for them.

"The cladding at the Meadow End has transformed this ground.

"It's gone from looking like a ramshackled old club to something so much better.

"What I've always wanted to do is put a bit of pride back into this football club after what we put up with over the past couple of years, to get some pride back.

"It is a proud club, we've got a proud history and we mustn't forget that.

"I know July 11th, provided we get the safety certificate, it's going to be an emotional day.

"I can see when the day comes it's going to be something else.

"My other hope is that all those people who took different decisions at the begining of last season can forgot that.

"Let's get on with the football at Hereford Football Club."