Sunday, December 14, 2014

Hereford Situation 'Breaks My Heart' Says Radford

Ronnie Radford At Edgar Street Last April
Yesterday the Daily Mirror published an article featuring the situation at Hereford including quotes from Ronnie Radford.

For anyone who has not read it, here it is in full.
Ronnie Radford was the joiner whose rocket made him king of the FA Cup giantkillers – but Hereford United’s plight today is a saw point.
Back when his 30-yard bolt from the blue against Newcastle sparked ­delirious scenes at Edgar Street in 1972, Radford’s ­pre-match meal was a grilled steak in the Spread Eagle pub near the ground.
A generation of schoolboys was granted special dispensation to stay up way beyond bedtime to watch the greatest Cup upset of all time on Match of the Day.
And since Radford, arms aloft and his ill-fitting shirt billowing, was engulfed by a pitch invasion, Hereford have ­occupied a special place in the hearts of neutrals.
But what a pitiful state they have reached now.
When the draw for the third round was made earlier this week, Hereford were missing. The Bulls have slipped so far down football’s greasy pole that they were knocked out in September’s first qualifying round.

On Wednesday, they were suspended from all football activity by the FA  for failing to comply with the rulebook’s chapter on governance. Not just the smallprint, but the block capital letters in bold type.
The FA lifted their draconian sanction 24 hours later, but the drama is far from over.
On Monday, Hereford return to the High Court to face a winding-up order, for which the petitioners include former manager Martin Foyle.
It is the latest instalment of an unhappy saga, which has left Radford “heartbroken” and ­Hereford’s wretched ­predicament as a cautionary tale.
Amid a fans’ boycott of owners with flawed track records, gates have plunged from around 1,800 in the Conference last season to barely 300 after the club was relegated two divisions in the summer for failing to lodge a £350,000 bond.
With chaos spreading to the pitch, they have used nearly 50 players in 24 games and ­Hereford are now a distant 64 places from the Football League.
At last month’s away game against Frome, they turned up with only 11 shirts and had to borrow water bottles.
New owner Andrew Lonsdale claims he wants to restore ­Hereford to the league mainstream; in the toxic air of mistrust around Edgar Street, many fans fear he regards the ground as ripe for redevelopment, although large parts are protected by ­planning covenants.

Radford, now 71 and living in Wakefield, can hardly believe what is happening at the club that made him a household name.
“To look at what’s been going on at Hereford over the last six months breaks my heart and it’s clear a lot of the fans don’t care for the present regime,” he said.
“But I am an optimist, by nature, and I know there are enough people who care about Hereford to keep it going.
“When we knocked Newcastle out of the Cup 42 years ago, there were 15,000 in the ground and almost as many climbing trees and floodlight pylons for a view.
“There is so much passion for Hereford within the community that I do feel confident the club will put itself right in the long run. Hereford will never play in the Champions League, but it has come to symbolise giant-killing and that must be worth saving.
“We all had to rush home to watch Match of the Day after we beat Newcastle because none of us had ever seen ourselves on TV before.
“My pre-match meal used to be a plain steak – can you imagine Arsene Wenger asking his players if they would like their fillets rare, medium or well-done?
“And I wish I had kept my boots as souvenirs, but they had holes in them and about three weeks later they went in the bin.”

In an age when oil barons can rustle up £1billion of loose change to throw at a club, surely it is worth preserving a self-employed joiner’s legacy?