Monday, October 13, 2014

One Week To Next Court Date

Next Monday Hereford United face their latest date in the Court, with HMRC at the head of a long queue of creditors attached to the ongoing winding up petition.

It will be the sixth hearing for the petition, and the tenth court date in total of 2014 for the club.

Prior to the last court date the club were bullish about new investment and Directors, and clearing the debts to the Council and football creditors, but there appears to have been little movement publicly with a series of cost-cutting measures the only financial alterations at Edgar Street.

Andy Lonsdale spoke a month ago about cutting costs at the club, a week after naming Alan McCarthy and Alpha Choice Finance as 'actual investors', adding "All I've been told is that the money will be made available which I believe."

In mid-August Director John Edwards announced that season tickets were belatedly on sale with him '100% certain' of the club's future. Edwards, and fellow director Elke Thuerlings have not apparently been to a match in the two months since and have made no public statements on the running of the club.

Fans of the club, both those involved in the boycott and those still attending matches, hope that a well run and fully funded club - that the community can be proud of - continues to play at Edgar Street. It is entirely up to the current ownership how that happens.