Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Tommy's Gone Quiet

Since acquiring a majority stake in Hereford United one month ago, Tommy Agombar hasn't given much away about his intentions for the future of the football club. Indeed there are no reports of him speaking to the media since June 16th.

June 3rd reported by the OS:

"We are aware that supporters understandably worried that we'll just come into the club, develop the two ends and then disappear, but that's not going to happen"

June 6th reported by HUST from BN:

'Agombar assured Watson that he was fully committed to the club and was ready to announce new sources of investment next week.'

June 7th talking to fans at Edgar Street as reported by BN:
'He told fans that he intended to put £150,000 into the club on Monday, and a further £300,000 later in the week.'

June 7th speaking to ITV:

"All we want to do is make the club self sustainable."

June 10th talking to the OS:
"I have today made sure that payments are being made to both staff and creditors, and we will also be sorting out payments to Marin Foyle and HMRC this month.

"I'm keen to talk to supporters as soon as I can and we will arrange a Fans Forum at the earliest possible opportunity." 

June 16th before meeting the Herefordshire Council:

"They (The Southern Premier) need all football creditors to be paid which I've paid half of anyway. All the admin staff have been paid.

June 16th after meeting the Council:

"The football creditors will be paid by Friday. The winding up orders they're gone, they're being dismissed."

June 16th also after meeting the Council:

"We are going to go on a European tour." 

And since June 16th nothing.