Sunday, June 22, 2014

Lonsdale And His Companies

49 year old Andy Lonsdale, who is an associate of Hereford United 'owner' Tommy Agombar, appears to have been involved with transport and waste for several years. However a number of his companies are no longer operating.

As far as is known currently his main company is Lonsdale Construction Services Limited. It's main business appears to be the 'recovery of sorted materials'.

It was set up in November 2010.

The last set of accounts deposited at Companies House are to November 2012.

In them it shows that liabilities exceed assets by £2,876.

Interestingly Lonsdale Construction Services Limited was originally known as Cushty Independent Fish And Chips Traders Limited.

Other companies Lonsdale is a director of include Rock 'N' Rubble Limited, Transdem Services Ltd and Waste Removal Services Limited.

However, as yet, none of these companies has filed any accounts with Company House.

As has been noted previously on BN, Lonsdale was involved in a project to 'improve' Feltham football ground which had fallen into disrepair.

One of Lonsdale's companies All Transport Limited appeared to have been given one of the contracts. In essence they brought tonnes and tonnes of soil and other material onto the site over and above that was agreed.

Local residents were not happy as they feared dozens of their houses close to the football ground would lose their privacy as the developers had built the pitches higher than originally stated.
Lonsdale responded:"We have been working closely with the council. It is a little bit higher, about six inches, but that has been allowed by the council. Ever since we started this there have been problems with local residents."

Afterwards Hounslow Council set up an enquiry into the scheme. Here's a part of their findings.

5.31 The Task & Finish Group has been unable to establish with any certainty whether any party benefitted. Inadequate financial monitoring arrangements were put in place to be able to make this assessment. It was only after concerns about height levels emerged that the Council requested regular financial updates including audited accounts for the project.
5.32 What was submitted was not complete audited accounts but a summary profit/loss statement. This showed the project had incurred a loss of about £100,260 as of November 2009. It has not been
possible to obtain any further information because Mr Lonsdale’s company ‘All Transport Limited’ has since gone into liquidation.
5.33 In attempting to answer this question officers have sought to model
income from the dumping of soil on the site, based upon the amount of
soil, the number of lorries and the estimated revenue per lorry load. However there is uncertainty both about the number of lorry loads and
the amount received for each, which prevents us from being able to
state with any certainty what the level of income has been.
5.34 Mr Lonsdale himself has suggested an estimated income figure of £360k from the importation of 30,000m3 materials to the site. He has provided calculations to back this up, but not the information that would allow us to verify this, nor the outgoings that were incurred.He has also indicated that the total amount of materials brought to the site as not exceeding 41,000m3.
5.35 The lack of transparency between the respective roles of FFC (Fetham Football Club) and All Transport Limited and the relationship between them is a key concern for the Task & Finish Group. Whilst the lack of available financial information prevents us from establishing whether any party benefitted financially, it also prevents us from ruling out this possibility.
5.36 Much greater care should have been taken to separate and create
transparency between Mr Lonsdale’s business and leisure interests in
this project. The potential conflict of interest this created should also
have prompted more in the way of due diligence to have taken place.
5.37 Whilst Mr Lonsdale is a well known individual in the community for his
generous patronage (such as sponsoring the local football league and
holiday football schemes through his companies), we were concerned to
learn that he has had quite a considerable number of directorships of
companies in the haulage sector, most of which have been liquidated or
5.38 We were also interested to learn that Mr Lonsdale was convicted in 2008 for the dumping of 600 lorry loads of waste on green belt land in South Bucks District Council. It must be noted however that this conviction
occurred after the Feltham Arenas scheme had been agreed