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Monday, January 13, 2014

From the Archives - HUISA And The Board

Today's news from the club that HUISA are to be given a seat on the board has given BN the opportunity to look back to 1998 when HUISA members made the case for and against having a place on the board.

Special Debate - Fans Representation On The Board - The Case FOR
By Mike Quarrell

Let me make it quite clear from the start of this article that I am extremely pleased that Graham Turner is now in charge at the club. However, there is one issue that causes me great concern and that is the position of having an elected supporters representative, with full voting rights, on the Board of Directors of Hereford United FC.
I am concerned, not only because GT is against the idea, but also because he is not even prepared to discuss it, or his objections to it, in any detail, preferring instead to state simply that he does not believe in the idea of such representation. About the only argument I have ever heard him quote is that of the Bengy experience, as proof that it does not, and could not work.
The idea of an elected representative on the Board goes back to the very early days of HUISA when the subject featured in the very first meetings we had with the club. Originally we were keen to obtain a meaningful supporters voice in the Boardroom by removing baldy's puppet.
I cannot see it as a bad idea. Much has been said in recent weeks, (and HUISA has been saying it throughout), about restoring the Club's place in the community and returning it, to its fans. What better way to demonstrate their good faith, than allowing our voice to be heard directly, in the very forum, that determines the policy and direction that the Club takes from now on.
The Liaison Committee Steering Group idea, whilst it has its place, is simply not sufficient, in my view, as at the end of the day it still allows the Club to tell us what it wants us to hear and not necessarily - perhaps when the unpalatable is under consideration - what is really happening. Let me make it clear that I trust GT and indeed all of the Board Members he has recruited so far, but who can tell who might join and under what agenda, in the future.
We have just come off 25 years of lies and scheming and have a historic opportunity to ensure that the Club is restructured on the right lines for the future. We must not lose that opportunity, or in a mis-guided desire to be grateful to the New Board, our objectivity. The future security and (hopefully) success of the Club is an must remain paramount.
GT has made it clear that he has struggled to find people prepared to put money into the Club. None of the new Directors will be doing so. In the last year HUISA raised thousands specifically for the team. With greater goodwill and (god willing) a better season on the pitch, the potential this year is limitless.
Why should some newcomer with thousands of pounds be allowed a voice in the Boardroom and not us, the loyal and diehard fans? Baldy was too fond of taking our money and then deciding himself how it should be spent; we shouldn't have to learn the lesson twice!
What the Club has to do is to squeeze, in the nicest way possible, as much money out of those coming through the gates (and those that don't) as it can. Who better to advise on and subsequently organise this, than a supporter? (Haven't we just painted the ground, when the club could not?). And they are our pockets, after all!
As to the Bengy experience... Bengy was the wrong man, at the wrong time. He lost sight of why he was there. I wish he had been man enough to admit it, instead of making a laughing stock of himself. The role of the supporters' representative should be simply, to represent the views of the supporters in the Boardroom and to communicate regularly with fans; both to gauge our views and tell us what is going on. I believe that the individual concerned should be elected on a regular basis by Season Ticket Holders, Club Members, HUISA and possibly VP Club Members. No-one should serve more than two years, to prevent a repeat of the Bengy experience and also to bring, on a regular basis, new ideas and vigour to the position.
If we need to have shares to achieve this, then so be it. Indeed, I also believe that it would be a good idea if HUISA were to purchase, and hold in trust for all supporters, a block of 4,000 shares, sufficient to call an EGM of the Club, as and when necessary.
It may be that I am in a minority in holding these views but I don't think so. If the idea is outvoted then fine - although in my opinion it would be a big mistake.
If the vote is in favour, however, we should use this mandate to negotiate with GT and the Board.
And, for what its worth, I also believe that we should not commit any further funds, or at least not at any significant level, to the Club until they are prepared to adopt the idea.
Please vote YES to having a Supporter on the Board.

Special Debate - Fans Representation On The Board - The Case AGAINST
By Steve Bayliss

Many people will have read my article in Talking Bull, regarding my views against having a representative of HUISA on the Board of Hereford United Football Club. I would like to list a few points for all HUISA members to consider, before making your postal vote.
1. The new Board have voted unanimously against a Supporters Representative joining the Board. If HUISA votes in favour of having a representative on the Board, I can assure you it will not happen. What then? Do we refuse to raise any more funds to help HUISA survive?
2. HUISA has established a good relationship with Graham Turner, regarding liaison meetings etc. It would be a pity to jeopardise this, in the case of any dissent between HUISA and HUFC, which will happen if the vote is Yes and HUISA pursue the issue.
3. Graham has said that he wants to form a steering committee, consisting of representatives from the Board, VP Club and HUISA so that issues can be discussed, funds raised, etc, to HELP the club. Surely, this is enough.
4. If we do insist on a supporter on the Board, they will be bound by a confidentiality agreement, on certain issues, discussed on Board meetings.
HUISA learn all they need to know, regarding players, financial predicament, etc already, through the liaison meetings. Why place a supporter in an awkward situation where he is not allowed to say anything to HUISA regarding private information eg salaries, etc?
5. Have you considered the role of the Supporter on the Board?  If you want someone to comment on everything fans need to know regarding players, injuries, update on BS Group etc, this is already being achieved through the liaison meetings. If you want more than this, then the Supporter on the Board would have to take a Directors role, even if not named as a Director. In the event that anything should happen to HUFC, it could be interpreted by court that the person is a Director in all but name and thus has legal responsibilities, also fiduciary duties. If breached, that person could be sued along with other Directors, by shareholders or other persons who are victims of the breach of those duties.
6. We must remember why HUISA was formed. It was to oust the old Board and raise funds to save HUFC. Have we lost our objectives? We now have a new Board, who are more willing to listen to supporters views. We need to work together with the new Board to promote the survival of HUFC.
I, for one, do not want to spend HUISA's funds on buying shares. I helped to raise this money for the benefit of the players, not to buy shares. We must also remember that one of the Board is a member of HUISA.
7. I feel that if the vote is Yes for a Supporter on the Board, HUISA will inevitably be divided, as the situation will be no-win. Are we then going to stage demos to get a Supporter on the Board? Waste space in fanzine issues, debating the issue? I would hate to see that happen, after we all pulled together last season, to do our bit to save HUFC.
Graham has been honest with us. Let us show our faith in him and the new Board. They want HUFC to survive. So do I.
Please vote NO to having a Supporter on the Board. Save your energy to raise funds to help HUFC survive, not fight with them.