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Friday, December 13, 2013

Trust Responds To Club's Open Letter

The following is a response to the club’s open letter to the Trust from December 5th.

Dear David,

Thank you for your recent letter and for your congratulations about our recent election evening.

The elections went through with support from everyone in the room who have the best interests of the Football Club at heart, which is satisfying – with the exception of the two independent adjudicators from the Shrewsbury Town Trust who are still smarting from our FA Cup success against them last year! I’m pleased to tell you that we had our first official Trust Meeting last Thursday and were able to get through the vast amount of business that was on the agenda including the appointment of officers.

The information you have supplied regarding the share issue was reported to the meeting as was the Board of Directors continuing financial support for the club which was noted.

As a Trust we are still a young organisation, as I have said our first full meeting was only last week – and as such our resources are limited – but decisions were made last week that we hope will support the Club going forward. The outcomes of the meeting that were relevant to your queries are:

  • We do have some finance that has been ring fenced for the purchase of shares through the donation of members. This will be completed shortly.
  • We have been asked to assist in the funding of the purchase of some equipment. The Trust Board has agreed to this on the basis that we will provide funds in exchange for shares for the amount requested.
  • I have been asked by the Board to follow up on your recent invitation for our respective Boards to meet and will be contacting you under separate cover to arrange this.
  • Board representation for the supporters of Hereford United through the Board is a most welcome offer and through this we will be able to represent the view of fans to the Board.

Our task as trustees is now to develop the Trust to meet our Aim and to carry out our objectives to achieve that Aim. We are developing numerous streams to provide a sustainable income and build our resources to do this. We operate on the basis of inclusivity and working together as my recent article in the Hereford Times advocated and the Trust has asked me to confirm to you that we will work towards providing a strong, pro-active, and independent voice for all supporters of Hereford United.


Chris Williams, Chairman.
Hereford United Supporters Trust