Fans planning to travel to the Tuesday evening match at
Macclesfield next week can take advantage of discounted ticket prices by
booking early and collecting their tickets at the ground.
Seated prices for earlybird tickets are £16 for adults, £12
for concessions, £4 for U18/students and £2 for U12. The terrace prices are £12, £9, £4 and £2.
The equivalent matchday prices show an increase of £2 for
adults and concessions with an extra £1 on the U18 and U12 prices.
To book contact Macclesfield FC on 01625 264686. Pre-booked tickets should be collected from
the ticket office and can be purchased up to 12 noon on the day of the game. It is believed that a 50p administration
charge is made for card use so the best savings are to made with group