Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Cup Receipts 'Don't Half Help' says Keyte

Hereford United chairman David Keyte has spoken about last night's 1-1 draw at Cheltenham.

"We were never going to lose that," Keyte told the BBC.

"We've got a squad who want to play for each other and don't know how to lose.

"When Martin Foyle first came for his interview and we told him what his budget was going to be, he just shrugged his shoulders and got on with it.

"He found a squad of players, which was then decimated in October, when he had six first teamers out.

"And, since then, our financial situation has been well publicised. We have sometimes had to keep them waiting for two or three days to be paid. But it's brought them together.

"In fact, it's brought all of us together as a club, and the people of Hereford." 

Keyte was understandly happy not only with the draw but with the prospect of a decent gate at Edgar Street next Tuesday.

"I think the crowd was 5070 so we've probably cleared £100K with the TV money.

"It does get us through the gremlins of the tax and so on.

"But we are carrying costs from last year. We are trying to turn round about £30K per month.

"But this doesn't half help.

"If we can fill Edgar Street then perhaps another £25k for each team.

"And a hugh prize should we get through.

"Capacity is our problem but there are the add-on sales from the bars and so-on."