Friday, September 03, 2010

The First Three Months

It's three months this week since Graham Turner and Joan Fennessy handed over control of Hereford United to David Keyte and Tim Russon.

One of the new team's stated aims when they took over was to try and re-connect the club with the community and raise the profile of the club. They've certainly put in a lot of effort in this area.

"We want to take Hereford United back to the people of Herefordshire and the surrounding counties," said chairman Keyte.

Since their takeover there have been three fans forums, an open day and a question and answer hour on BBC Hereford and Worcester.

Another promise was to change the caterers at the ground something former chairman Graham Turner had suggested couldn't be done because of an agreed contract.

The promise was kept and Hereford based Ascaris have taken over from Lindleys.

"We're delighted to have Ascaris with us on this," said vice-chairman Tim Russon.

"They have long been friends and fans of the club and one of our main aims is to work with and reward local businesses."

Some changes have been forced as the Football League demanded that the dug-outs were brought up to standard. It didn't take long for Keyte to give the go-ahead.

A painting day took place to help tidy up the ground. One of these has not been held for some years and the new initative was seen as another way to involve supporters with their club.

Another welcome change is that there is now no need to purchase £3 admission tickets for the under 10's in advance of the game. They can now be purchased on the gate.

Keyte has introduced new hospitality packages for supporters and business.

"We need to raise the image of the club both locally, nationally and internationally," he said.

"Hospitality and sponsorship is a major part of the football business and we now have to make sure that the club is moving forward."

Perhaps the biggest eye-sore at Edgar Street for years has been the semi-derelect former sportsman club.

"We went around the social club," said Keyte.

"I'm not a builder but it didn't look to be a insurmountable project. The roofs gone, but the structure seems to be sound."

Rome wasn't built in a day and Edgar Street will not be re-developed in a season but there's little doubt that given time both the Blackfriars End and the Meadow End will be tackled. However, understandably, Keyte wants to sort out the leases and the debt with the Richardsons first.

"If we can get through and past the Richardsons, ie move them out of the equation, then there is a very rosey future for Hereford United as a football club," he said.

"If we become the direct leaseholder then we have options, we have the footprint of Edgar Street."

There's little doubt that Keyte and Russon are hoping to take the club forward as fast as they reasonable can. They've made a good start.