Monday, August 10, 2009

Tolley to miss Carling Cup-tie

Hereford United midfielder Jamie Tolley is expected to miss tomorrow evening's Carling Cup game against Charlton.

"Everyone was back in training this morning except Jamie," manager John Trewick told the Worcester News.

"He phoned up saying he has got flu-like symptoms.

"You have to be careful when someone gets a virus like that, especially with what’s happening at the moment.

"If Jamie has got flu, then he will need to stay away until he is better."

Looking ahead to the game Trewick knows it won't be easy.

"It will be a hard game, we know that, but it is also a good test and a great match for the players.

"If we can build on Saturday and get a good result against Charlton, then it will give us a lot of confidence."