Thursday, May 07, 2009

Advice for Turner

The Hereford Solidarity League has some advice for Hereford United chairman Graham Turner.

Turner has given up the manager’s job and is going to concentrate on running the club. Let’s hope he gets on with some of the essential things that the club needs off the pitch. Such as getting rid of Lindley Catering and their utterly crap food, rebuilding the social club so fans have somewhere to call their own, and pushing on with rebuilding the ground without the muppets at the council and the ESG group getting in the way.

It would be great to see the club spend some of the cash it’s made over the last few years on making Edgar Street somewhere to be proud of. Of the few people who do go to matches, most don’t get in the ground till just before kick off, and why would you?

The food is diabolical,the toilets are a disgrace and without a social club we have nowhere to meet up and have a proper pint, and before anyone says “what about Legends”, I’ve clearly said a “proper” pint!