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Next Game: Away At Bishop Stortford In The FA Cup On Saturday 28 September at 3.00pm

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Were Hereford short-changed last night?

The excellent support that Hereford United took to Bristol last night caused the stewards some problems last night at the turnstiles.

Posts on the Hereford United independent forum suggest that not all Hereford and Bristol supporters were charged the agreed entrance price.

Hereford United and Bristol Rovers share the takings from this game after reasonable costs, such as paying the officials, have been deducted.

The two clubs had agreed that the game was not to be all ticket, although Hereford supporters were given a chance to purchase their tickets from Edgar Street and Bristol Rovers have an online booking system for all games.

Reports that some turnstiles ran out of change meant that some adult fans paid £15 or less and children £10 or less. One post said that at one stage children were being let in for free.

How widespread these 'cheaper' fares prevailed is unknown, but if just 10% of the fans were either undercharged or let in for free, Hereford United might lose out by several thousand pounds when they receive their share of the gate.

It also proves that it isn't only Hereford United who have had problems with larger than expected away support this season in League Two. However Swindon and yesterday Bristol Rovers, two of the so-called bigger clubs with much more experience of larger crowds, have little excuse not to be able to cope.