Friday, December 01, 2006

Onwards and Upwards

For several weeks Bulls News has had a small line at the top of its site mentioning Onwards and Upwards.

Today we can reveal more.

Onwards and Upwards, Hereford United's promotion season 2005/2006, was the brain-child of Andy Compton who covers home games for the Hereford Journal.

After last season ended Andy wondered what he was to do with all the hundreds of photographs he had taken of Hereford United in action.

He contacted Brian Goodwin, who writes the match reports for Bulls News, and together they decided to see if there was any merit in releasing a book on last season featuring pictures and reports.

Then the problems began - who would publish it.

Andy spoke with various publishers but it was a chance conversation with Mark Adcock of Print Plus that led to plans going ahead.

Like Andy and Brian, Mark is Hereford United supporter and already did work for the club, in particular the match programme. His support has made the venture possible.

The hard work of deciding which pictures went in the book and the editing of the reports then started. The book had started to take shape.

Andy, Brian and Mark were aware that another Hereford United book was being written at this time. Ron Parrott's The Wilderness Years was to be released in November so a decision was taken not to release Onwards and Upwards until after The Wilderness Years had been launched.

This week the publicity for the new book has started. It's been a quiz prize on BBC Hereford and Worcester and has been mentioned in both the Hereford Journal and the Hereford Times.

The hope is that the book will be in the Hereford United club shop in time for tomorrow's FA Cup tie with Port Vale.

UPDATE: Books arrived at Hereford United this afternoon (Friday).