Friday, March 10, 2006

Crawley "Chairman" Is Bankrupt

It has been revealed that man claiming to be Chairman at Crawley is Bankrupt.

The Argus has uncovered that Shafqat "Chas" Majeed was declared bankrupt in May 2004 and has never been discharged from bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy laws prevent a current bankrupt from "promoting, forming or managing a limited company, or acting as a company director, without the court's permission, whether formally appointed as a director or not." The FA bars anyone who has been bankrupt from running a football club. The FA also have a "fit persons" test for Club Directors which his brother, Anwar, passed. Anwar is officially listed as the only Director.

Anwar denied to The Argus that Chas was a Director, but both match programmes and club press releases list Chas as a Chairman or Director. The FA can suspend or fine Crawley for his involvement, and have launched an investigation.