Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Bulls Reject Tournament Hosting Offer

The Bulls have rejected the chance to stage this summer's Four Nations tournament at Edgar Street.

Edgar Street, Kidderminster's Aggborough, and Worcester's St George's Lane were all due to host two matches each, but the Bulls rejected the offer outright - declining to offer a reason why after initially agreeing to the idea.

Speaking to the Worcester Evening News, Worcester City Chairman Dave Boddy blasted the Bulls: "I found out that the tournament had been switched to Sussex because Hereford decided they did not want to stage either of their games and Kidderminster said they did not want to stage one game. We're bitterly disappointed. I felt that it was an honour for all three clubs to be offered the chance to host the tournament. But the other clubs did not want to accept that honour.

"It only comes around every four years and I don't think we will get the opportunity again. I'm disappointed because we moved mountains to make it happen. We've cancelled games, altered our preparations for re-seeding the pitch and moved things around to accommodate the situation. It's probably cost us money because we've turned down local cup finals. The tournament carries great prestige and, financially, it was worthwhile. The FA would have paid us a substantial fee to hire the ground.

"I'm sure the other clubs have got their reasons. Having accepted the invitation in the first place, it's just disappointing that they've turned it down."

Kidderminster Secretary Roger Barlow backed Boddy: "We were offered three dates to stage the games and we were prepared to accept two of them. On the other date, we are pre-booked for a wedding reception. We later received a letter (from organisers) telling us that once Hereford said they were unable to stage their two games altogether, then they could not hold the tournament in the West Midlands."