Moves towards a new stand at the Blackfriars End of Edgar Street for Hereford FC seem to have stalled at least for the time being.
Plans for student accomodation behind any new stand have been dropped by Herefordshire Council.
So what's going to happen at the Blackfriars End? Nobody wants to see it continue in its present state.
There's been speculation that the Council might decide to lease the area in total to Hereford FC.
If so it would then be up to the club what to build there. Perhaps a new stand with car parking behind it and even a space for the coach or coaches of visiting clubs?
That would cost a lot of money but hopefully at least the stand would be grant aided and there would be income from the parking.
And one would hope the Council will honour it's pledge to pay for the floodlights to be taken down as that will be quite costly.
However the reality at the moment is no one seems to know.
It's also understood that the original idea of building houses on some of the Merton Meadow car park, which adjoins the football ground, is under review.
In any case it could be some years before work is started as the Council need to find space for car parking elsewhere in the city. A site near the bus station has been mentioned but that's a long way from the Old Market shopping centre and the football ground.
One source told BN that it's all about money and the Council haven't got much. And what they have appears to be going towards a by-pass for the city.
And there's a possibility that the Government might want Hereford and Worcester to combine again. If that happens who knows what plans for Hereford a new authority might have let alone the parking.