Monday, December 16, 2024

London Bulls Christmas Party

Last week saw the London Bulls Christmas party held at The Bull in Shepherds Bush. A great venue for what turned out to be a fantastic evening!

Convening from 6:30, everyone began arriving and following some chat and some drinks the proceedings begun. 

Opened by KD Rai and Tom Gough, the Football Supporters Association (FSA) who had been invited along spoke about the great work that they do. Hannah Kumari spoke about her work on Fans for Diversity with great passion. Followed by former Bull Anwar Uddin who told us of his current role with the FA as well as his time with Hereford United. Both fantastic speakers. They were joined by Nilesh Chauhan. The FSA have been great supporters of the London Bulls both financially and in terms of more general support. 

Food followed, a selection of pork rolls, Ox Burger Sliders, Plant Burger sliders, chips, salad and some other beige items! Lovely! 

Next up was the club chairman, Chris ‘Stig’ Ammonds. Chris as all will know is a very open and honest person and as it proved during the interview and Q&A. All subjects were discussed and such an interesting insight into the life of a chairman and behind the scenes of our beloved football club. Chris has supported the London Bulls in whatever way he can over the past 9 months and we are incredibly greatful for that and for him taking the time out to come down to London to see and speak to us. 

After a break for some drinks came what must be considered as our guest of honour. Ricky George, who scored a goal we think? Ricky spoke so passionately about the build up to the Newcastle games and of course his goal. Ricky speaks as if it were yesterday with such vividness and emotion. We of course remembered those who are no longer with us including a good friend to all who knew him, Ronnie Radford. Concluded with a question or two from the audience, Ricky gave us what was a fantastic experience.

The raffle was to follow with around £200 being raised from this alone. Some amazing prizes on offer ranging from signed shirts and books to beer and burger sauces. A huge thank you to Wye Balley Brewery, Beefy Boys, Mitch Stansbury, Ben Smith and Hereford FC who generously donated the raffle prizes. Ricky George and Chris Ammonds kindly helped pick the winning tickets and had a photo with each of the 8 winners. 

Time to wrap up, but not before thanking all those who came to support the event as well as the FSA for their continued support. Of course a massive thanks to Chris Ammonds and the giant killer, Ricky George! 

A great evening was had by all and here’s to the next event and the Christmas party next year! 

Thanks also go out to Alan Leighton, Jo Clements, Stew Matthews, Jamie Klein, KD Rai and Tom Gough for organising the event. Also thanks to those who helped on the night to set up, clear away and during the party. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the London Bulls!