Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Volunteer Position With Radio Hereford

Radio Hereford FC is looking for Hereford based person or persons to join our team.

The volunteer(s) we are looking for will be involved in every aspect of the radio station although no experience is required as full training will be given. Minimum age is 16+, Sixth Form or FE College. Older candidates are also acceptable. Applicants are expected to commit from the date of acceptance to at least the end of the 2023-24 football Season (April 2024)

It is envisaged that, once trained in all necessary aspects, involvement will be between 2 -4 hours weekly plus match days at Edgar Street for live broadcasting as part of the Media team.

An interest in some or all of the following is desirable.

Music Technology,

I.T. / Digital Media

Audio Engineering, (recording and editing)

Sports Journalism

An internet connected PC or preferably a laptop, (Windows or Apple), is essential for training.

Once integrated into the team it is possible that a laptop may become available plus items of hardware for remote broadcasting.

All software needed for the role is downloadable. No purchases are necessary.

The following areas will be covered.

Software operation of the Station,

Production of recorded programming

Music content production,

Programme scheduling,

Live Broadcasts – anchor role.

Audio hardware setup

Statistical analysis.

Contact in the first instance by email to radiohfc@mail.com giving telephone contact details and details of areas of interest.