Sunday, March 26, 2023

Haines Gets Some Minutes

After missing several games following an injury with a bean bag, midfielder Luke Haines came off the bench replacing Jethro Hanson.

"I thought he showed his quality when he came on," said interim manager Yan Klukowski during his post Kings Lynn interview.

"He's that leader who we have missed at times.

"He talks, he organises, and he's got that real steel about his play and he's another one who has got a goal in him."

Ryan Lloyd was subbed off.

"I just think he has played a lot of minutes.

"The way he plays he is full throttle, he's full of energy, so we have to look after him.

"And there are times when we need fresh legs.

"I thought the boys that came on - Pinchard, Haines and Lawton - gave us a bit of a lift at that time, allowing us to try and build some momentum at the end of the game.

"But we could not find the back of the net."