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Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Saturday Night At The Green Dragon

Next Saturday evening around 80 people will be at the Green Dragon to remember Hereford United's FA Cup win against Newcastle back in 1972.

And this morning there is an article written by Brian Viner for the Daily Mail talking to some of those involved.

One was Bobby Moncur who captained Newcastle that afternoon.

"Oh, but I’m big enough to recognise Hereford’s achievement,’ he said. ‘I have a lot of respect for what they managed to do to us. 

'It was a horrendous pitch but that’s not an excuse, it just wasn’t our day. With due respect to Hereford, we felt afterwards as if we’d disgraced Newcastle United.

‘On the way back, about an hour into the journey, I remember our manager Joe Harvey stopped the bus, then got out and was physically sick."

Another will be Colin Addison who was Hereford's manager at the time. He remembers a director coming into the boardroom and saying there's a problem, we're running out of tickets.

'Well, the chief of police was there, a guy called John Keyte, so Frank Miles (Hereford's chairman) looked at him and said, “John, we’ll be all right printing a few more, won’t we?” He said “OK, but not too many”.'

John Motson and Ricky George will also be there but not Ronnie Radford.

'I know it will be a fantastic evening,’ said Radford. ‘Unfortunately, some of the guys have passed away now, but I keep in touch with all the others. It was a special time in all our lives.'

Read more at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-10465235/FA-Cup-50-years-Herefords-shock-victory-Newcastle-giantkilling-celebrated.html