Thursday, December 02, 2021

Bring Back United?

There is a view that it's time to consider changing the name of Hereford FC back to Hereford United. A resolution was put to the HUST AGM last week, and members are to be balloted in the New Year to assess the strength of feeling for such a change.

Even if this is voted through, and a resolution is eventually put to the Football Club, a minimum of 75% of the club shareholders must then vote for it at a special meeting.

Below is one shareholder's view. Other views are most welcome.

History is priceless

As a volunteer and shareholder of HUFC in the past, and now a HFC shareholder, I recognise that although a limited company died at Edgar Street, the club I supported was to be re-formed as HFC, and promoted as a “continuation”. Indeed, at the very first open meeting at The Welsh Club on the 16th January 2015 a return to Hereford United, after the requisite Football Association delay of 5 years, was outlined.

Yes, there is a passion to regain the history of our Edgar Street club – all of it – both the good and the bad. Even the toxic years when the ownership of the club became so factious, will remain a part of our club history, and to this day there is a collective resolve among many supporters to finally seal the open wound.

For many fans it’s not simply a yearning to return to the good old days of yesteryear (whenever they were precisely), but to reject an outlook that appears to emphasise that HFC stands alone as a totally new entity, a new club, a phoenix club, building from the bottom and creating its own history. I’ve even heard Hereford United described as a ‘toxic’ brand. If that is the case the pretence of ‘Forever United’ must end.

If HFC is a separate club, making its own way and history, it cannot at the same time pick out selected HUFC historical highlights to promote itself when say, an FA Cup tie comes around. There is no club history before 2015. We are United, or we are never going to be United.

Supporters of clubs such as Wimbledon and Newport fought tirelessly to reclaim and restore their clubs back story, roots and history – the hideous and the heroic - in equal measure. Hereford fans should have the right to do the same.

To change a football club name will require Football Association approval. They will look for evidence of support from within the local community for such a move, and so a majority of fans would need to campaign for it. If the support is not in place – it will not happen. That is why ballots of supporters’ trust members, season ticket holders and fans on the turnstiles would be both beneficial and fully transparent.

The constitution of HFC has also been amended over the last couple of years meaning a change of club name, colours or ground etc, now requires 75% of the shareholders to vote in favour. Given that the original club investors have ownership of approaching 50%, only with some of their backing will a name change ever occur in the future – otherwise it will not happen. A groundswell of support plus evidence of financial backing is likely to be a pre-requisite for any shareholder before a change is even considered.

A figure of £50,000 has been mooted as to the cost of re-branding. Where is the cost-analysis evidence for this? Have other clubs who have restored their name been approached for factual information? Liaising directly with the Football Association and Newport County might be quite revealing.

Should there be actual evidence (through ballots) that there is a desire among Hereford supporters to become United once more, then an actual timeframe for change would need to kick-in.

This would not be an overnight process, and is unlikely to be until at least 2024 given that the resolution will need, in the first instance, be put to the HFC board at an Annual General Meeting or an Extra-ordinary Meeting.

Supporters would need to appreciate that any such ‘Bring Back United Campaign’ will need to be a separately funded, stand-alone project. Much like the SOS campaign of the 1980s and the Len Weston Stand funding of the 1970s.

All existing revenue streams would have to remain totally unaffected (50/50, Golden Goal, Club Lottery etc). There would have to be total transparency of funds raised, and absolute confirmation that Josh Gowling’s budget WOULD NOT be affected.

Once a minimum ‘re-branding’ cost figure is established ‘Bring Back United’ Crowdfunding, fundraising events and activities, retro-merchandise, donations, etc could be put in place to reach that target – and in what timescale. If the funds are not forthcoming within the timeframe specified - then it will not happen.

A ‘United’ committee, Campaign co-ordinators and volunteers would need to come from a groundswell of supporters who are passionate about a return to the name Hereford United – otherwise it will not happen.

So, maybe it does not have to be an un-costed and ill-thought-out indulgence.