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Thursday, October 07, 2021

HUST AGM Set For November 23rd

Hereford United Supporters Trust are set to hold their AGM on Tuesday November 23rd at the Richmond Club starting at 7.30pm.

Here are the details from HUST:

Notice of AGM 

The Annual General Meeting of the Hereford United Supporters’ Society Ltd (known as the Hereford United Supporters’ Trust) will be held on Tuesday 23rd November, commencing at 19.30. The meeting will take place at the Richmond Place Club, HR4 9JP.

Notice of Elections 

The Trust Board may consist of up to nine elected directors. There are currently four serving elected directors and three co-opted members. One serving director will step down at the AGM, as will the three co-opted members. There will therefore be seven vacancies on the Trust Board. 

Members interested in standing can download a Candidate Information Pack and Nomination form from the
Trust website or request a copy from the Secretary – secretary@hust.org.uk

The Nomination Form must be completed and returned (with the candidate’s statement) to the Election Management Group by 12:00 noon Saturday 23rd October. Nomination forms should be returned to Rob Street who is acting as the independent person on the Election Management Group. Full details of the nomination process can be found in the Candidate Information Pack. 

Should there be seven or less candidates for the vacancies, there will not be a formal ballot of members but instead those people validly nominated will be put to the Annual General Meeting for an affirmative vote.

Call for Resolutions  

A member wishing to propose a members’ resolution for consideration at a general meeting shall give notice in writing to the Secretary of such wish, and of the justification for, form and content of the resolution, not later than noon 28 days before that meeting is to be held. Therefore, any member resolution needs to be submitted to secretary@hust.org.uk by Tuesday 26th October 2021.

Proxy Voting  

If you wish to vote at the AGM but cannot be there in person, you may apply to appoint someone who will be present to vote on your behalf. Details of this process will be shared nearer the date of the AGM, along with the AGM pack.