Monday, March 01, 2021

Are You a Winner? Prize Bull 500 Club Draw - February

The HUST Prize Bull 500 Club Draw for the month of February 2021 has been drawn, and was announced during the half-time interval on Saturday as Hereford progressed to the FA Trophy Semi-Finals with victory over Aldershot Town at the Recreation Ground. Remember you can help the club through this difficult period by joining the 500 Club at any time. 

Congratulations to the winners as follows:
£100  079  David Jenkins from Ledbury
£75  160  David Bird from Wellington, Shropshire
£25  054  Guy Adams from Monmouthshire
£25  151  Graeme Lambourne from Gloucester
£25  199  Neil Lewis from Peterchurch
£25  225  Alison Peel from Royston
£10  133  Phillip Evans from Northampton
£10  105  David Arrowsmith from Malvern
£10  218  Alan Jenkins from Little Birch
£10  081  Nigel Preece from Cardiff
You can join the Prize Bull 500 Club Draw at any time and, if you already have one lucky number, why not double your chances with another go. Indeed, at just £60 per year or a mere £5 per month it’s any easy way of helping HUST provide much-needed finance for the club through this 2020/21 season. 
Back the Bulls – Join TODAY.