Thursday, March 11, 2021

Absence Of Governance At The National League

With the news that a detailed proposal for a combined Step 2 mini-league has been submitted by the National League to the FA,  Maidstone's Bill Williams thinks that what's going on at present is close to 'anarchy'.

He questions why, after a vote was passed to declare the National North and South season 'null and void', that decision hasn't been adhered to.

'Why has the decision to declare them null and void not been adhered to?

There are a number of clubs who didn’t agree with the result and for a number of different reasons weren’t prepared to accept it – a bit like the Brexit outcome in 2016.

Why didn’t our wonderful leadership at the head of the National League powerhouse just say ‘no’ like any other governing body around the world would have done?

The best way to describe what is going on at the moment is anarchy – an absence of governance when there is no political order, allowing individuals to have the freedom to pursue their own agenda – and sadly that is what our league leadership have allowed to happen here.

I fully understand that a few clubs feel short-changed over the opportunity to be promoted to the next level – as I have been there myself with our club in the past.

But the competition has become flawed and is not an equal playing field. In my opinion the league must not be allowed to carry on.

We wanted to carry on playing but because we faced being in a position of not being able to meet our commitments, reluctantly we had no alternative but to safeguard the club, reduce our outgoings to a minimum and put our players and staff on furlough.

This was a massive decision to make but we still considered putting out an amateur team – for want of a better word – to fulfil our season obligations, as long as there were no excessive costs involved.

But in the end, taking all into consideration, it was the decision of our Board of Directors to show a bit of leadership, do the right thing – pack up for now, regroup and start again next season.

And I’m sure when all these clubs – who want to find a way to make their own rules to get a leg up – really consider all that has happened and all the heartache that has gone on and all the blunders that have been made, that this has to stop and stop right now!

Sadly, no matter how you try to put a spin on it, there can be no real champions this season.'