Saturday, September 26, 2020

Common Sense Required Says Telford Manager

Telford manager Gavin Cowan has said he hopes that common sense will prevail in the debate about whether to allow fans to watch games. He, like many others, wants the 'elite' status dropped to 'grassroots'.

In an interview with the Shropshire Star, Cowan contrasts the situation where clubs in the league below can have 600 at homes but, currently, Telford can't have any.

"Look at clubs like Nuneaton in the week, who have equal or a bigger budget than us and they are not classed as elite sport. Why we ever went down that route I’ll never know?

"But they get the chance of 600 people in the ground.

"I just hope common sense prevails otherwise football as we know it isn’t going to exist. 

"There needs to be some sort of bailout, which I don’t expect, or just some common sense. With the stats if we are sensible, social-distancing with precautions, then we need to get back to our lives.

"I understand people are aware of health of safety but there are other elements here, peoples’ mental health – I know that’s a buzz word at the moment – but peoples’ lives as well.

"You might play for a few weeks (without fans) but it’s just not sustainable. The money runs out. How can we go to Ellesmere with 300 people in the ground, but we can’t have one person at the New Bucks Head with all the facilities we’ve got?"