Friday, May 10, 2019

National League Trust Grant For Hereford FC

The National League Trust has given Hereford FC a grant which will enable the club to employ a full-time Community Engagement Manager.

Director Andrew Graham says that the club is delighted with the grant.

“The grant is to be used specifically to fund the further development of our existing Community Engagement project," he said.
“This is an exciting project, an opportunity to further promote health and well-being, inclusiveness and to increase our community engagement through the brand of Hereford Football Club."

So what is the National League Trust?

'The National League Trust supports community programmes at clubs who are members of the three divisions of the National League.

This support comes in the form of grant aid and development advice. Our aim is to encourage every National League club to become involved in their community.
Projects range from music, dance and other arts activities, encouraging volunteering, work with young people not in education or training (NEETs), helping disability groups to play sport, and creating educational initiatives for both adult and children – including literacy and numeracy programmes. There has been work with isolated community groups, green projects, information about healthy eating and lifestyle, and working in partnership with schools to deliver football coaching and other initiatives.

Our grant aid programme is made possible by the generous support of the Trust’s funding partners: the Premier League and the Professional Football Association. Since October 2010 both bodies have committed annual support as part of a three year funding agreement. This is currently £1.2m each year until August 2019, bringing the total contribution to the charity to £7.8m.'