Wednesday, August 29, 2018

BNPL KO Cup News

It is now just four days until the draw for Round 1 of the KO Cup.

This is a new competition taking place alongside the BNPL and runs from September to March / April. 
The KO Cup consists of seven rounds with the format being Groups for rounds 1 to 6 and a final match between two teams. See the link below for full details.

As a member of the BNPL 2018/19 you are automatically entered into the KO Cup, and I emphasise, YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANYTHING EXTRA, just submit your prediction for each HFC match as you do now.

The Draw will be automatically computer generated, there will be no seedings, it is completely random. The draw will take place on the evening of Sunday 2nd Sept. 
The Draw will be posted on the BNPL site. You will receive an email (approx 7.00pm) with a link to the draw. Later that evening the draw will also be posted on Bull News and the usual Facebook pages.

The format for Round 1 will be;

112 Teams.
16 Groups.
7 Teams in each Group.
Three Matches: 8th Sept, 15th Sept & 22nd Sept.
The top 6 teams from each group will progress to Round 2.  

112 teams??? 
There are only 111 in the BNPL!  It is still possible that new entrant(s) will submit predictions on Saturday 1st Sept, but the maximum will be 112 teams. 
If there are no new predictors then I would like to enter the BNPL KO Cup, if that is OK with you? And to prove I will not be cheating I will submit my prediction first and if you wish reveal it via the reminder email or on Facebook.
If there is objection to me entering, and there are no further new entrants, then Group 16 will consist of 6 teams and all will qualify for round 2, subject to the rule at the foot of the page.
Contact me before Sunday if you object to me entering the KO Cup, or if you have a preference as to how I publish my prediction.

A note of caution: Please be aware that it is a new competition and a different format to the BNPL, and may have some hiccups, but please bear with me. I hope that, as the cup starts to unravel, you will be as exited as I am about it with family & friends rivalry taking on a new dimension.

Finally one important rule to note: I did say you do not need to do anything extra, that is true, but:

Failure to submit at least one prediction for a match within a round will result in automatic elimination from the competition regardless of the entrants finishing position in the group / tie.

Full Rules and details can be found here:    Scoring & Rules 2018/19

Good Luck and, as always, if you have any questions they please do not hesitate to contact me via email, Facebook, messenger, text or in person, I will be in the Meadow End on Saturday.

Chris (BanburyBull)