Monday, May 14, 2018

Season Tickets Go On Sale Today

Hereford FC season tickets go on sale today from 10am. Manager Peter Beadle is hopeful that as many supporters as can will purchase them.

"The more season tickets they buy the more chance we have of being competitive," said Beadle after the HFA Cup Final.

"This season will be a bit different as there are some full time clubs in both divisions, some ex-pro managers in these divisions, so we need to be as competitve as we can be.

"It would be lovely to start averaging 2800, 2900 even 3,000. If we can get there it gives us a real fighting chance of being competitive.

"We've done it before, we had 4.500 here against Kettering two Saturday's ago with a fantastic atmosphere. And when they are like that and as vocal as that they are our twelfth man.

"So we want to get as many season ticket sales as we can to give us that chance to be competitive.

This deails are from the OS:
New this season, supporters wishing to renew their seats will be able to complete the renewal process online via a specific renewals link that will be available from 10am Monday 14th May.
Seats for 2017/18 season ticket holders will be reserved until Friday 29th June.
Seated renewals can also be completed at Addison’s Bar from 10am Monday 14th May.


Terrace ticket renewals can be carried out online via the standard season ticket sales link from 10am Monday 14th May.
Terrace renewals can also be completed at Addison’s Bar from 10am Monday.


Fans wishing to purchase a new season ticket can purchase seats (which were not previously held by a season ticket holder last season) and terrace tickets from 10am 14th May both online and from Addison’s Bar.


Executive Club renewals can be completed online and in person from Addison’s Bar from Monday 14th May.


Season tickets will be available to purchase online from 10am on Monday 14th May, and also from Addison’s Bar during the following times.
Monday 14th – 10am-4pm
Tuesday 15th – 10am-4pm
Wednesday 16th – 10am-4pm
Thursday 17th – CLOSED
Friday 18th – 10am-4pm

Monday 21st – 10am-4pm
Tuesday 22nd – CLOSED
Wednesday 23rd – 10am-4pm
Thursday 24th – CLOSED
Friday 25th – 10am-4pm

For season ticket prices go to: