Friday, May 11, 2018

BNPL Looks Forward To Next Season

The Bulls News Prediction League (BNPL) is looking forward to next season and Chris who runs the competition is hopeful that there will be even more entrants.

He has sent an e-mail to all those who entered this season asking them to put forward any changes they would like to see.

I have enjoyed running the league for this season and intend to continue to carry on next season. Hopefully I have continued to provide the great service that Will Cheshire and others have provided in the past.

I have made some changes;

  1. Not publishing a pre-match review detailing the recent performance of HFC and their opponents.
  2. Introducing First Goal scorer.
  3. Making use of the Facebook pages Hereford FC Fanzone 2017/18 & HUST Exiles and Friends.
  4. Adding comments to the table updates.
  5. Adding coloured detail to the table.
  6. Publishing additional Tables and Stats.

Some of the changes you may like, others you may feel are pointless. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome, but the close season is a very good time for suggestions to changes to the rules and the points system.

I now have approx. 8 weeks to make any updates to the system to accommodate agreed suggestions and changes, so please spare a few minutes to reply, even if its with an ‘OK’ or ‘It’s rubbish’.

I have also attached a document (survey below), which even if you decide not to answer the questions, may prompt you to give some feedback / suggestions.

If you could give it some thought and reply by 21st May, that will give me some time to review your replies and respond with suggested Rules & scoring for 2018/19 before the end of May. I promise I will then leave you alone until mid July.

Please fill in the below survey, or by clicking on this link.

Alternatively, a Word Document version of the questionnaire can be sent to you. Please email and we'll email you one.