Sunday, January 28, 2018

HUST Look For Nominations To HFC Board

This from HUST:

HUST will shortly be inviting applications for all three of its nominated directors  in line with the HUST Nominated Director policy agreed  by HUST members at the October 2017 AGM.
A recruitment pack is being finalised and will be launched by HUST Chairman, Richard Tomkins, on Monday 12 February 2018.

 “I know we have lots of very talented members within HUST and this is obviously a huge opportunity to get directly involved with the running of our club” says Richard.  “It’s absolutely essential we get the best people possible for these roles and we are keen to hear from any HUST members who feel they have the time and skills required to help drive the club forwards as club directors, nominated and supported by HUST -now the club’s largest single shareholder.”

Ahead of the release of the recruitment pack if any interested parties wish to have an informal discussion about the HND role please contact: Richard Tomkins at

HUST would also at this time like to acknowledge the sterling work of Mike Langford, who has chosen to stand down from his roles at HFC and HUST.  

 Mike says “HFC is evolving at a rapid rate and going forward I feel I may not be able to offer the time commitment the roles demand”.

“Mike is a proud Hereford fan” says HUST chairman Richard Tomkins “We remember the joy on his face when our team lifted our first trophy.  I thank him for all his hard work and am delighted that Mike has confirmed he will remain as an active volunteer both in the club shop and selling HUST 50/50 tickets on match days”