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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Short Report From HUST AGM

The Hereford United Supporters Trust held their AGM this evening at Edgar Street.

HUST chairman Richard Tomkins took the meeting. There were around 25 members present.

Tomkins paid tribute to two well known supporters who had recently passed on, Eric Nottingham and Club Chaplain Shaun Skinner. 

Four directors were appointed or reappointed. They were Tony Taylor, Richard Morgan, Mike Langford and Joanie Roberts.

Joanie Roberts
Currently HUST has 463 members, 386 adults and 77 juniors. That figure is less than 12 months ago. 50% of HUST members live in Herefordshire.

Two sets of accounts were approved by the meeting. The first for 2015/16 were produced by an auditor, the second 2016/17 by an independent examiner. The change has saved HUST around £3000 per year.

It was agreed by the meeting that a suitably qualified person should produce the next set of accounts.

The 2016/17 accounts produced a surplus of £35K which was described as a 'stunning performance'.

The 50/50 matchday draw remains by far the biggest earner for HUST. £45939 was received for tickets.

HUST are to purchase a further £10K worth of shares in the club. However it was revealed that, at present, HUST would not be able to raise enough money to purchase all the 298,000 shares it can have by March 2020. The need was more fundraising was discussed.

Amidst other speakers was HUST board member Craig Goodall who stressed that HUST is not a protest group, it aims to strengthen the views of fans.

HUST have no plans to organise coach travel to away games.

Two resolutions proposed by Graham Johnson were discussed. The first was to ballot members about having four directors on the HFC board as opposed to the three currently allowed. This was passed.

The second was about asking the HFC board to change the requirement to move from Edgar Street from an ordinary to a special resolution.

'the football club shall remain based at Edgar Street' 

It was agreed that this also went out as a ballot to HUST members.

Amidst other matters there was a lengthy discussion about HUST's recent fans survey.

73% bring other people with them to games at Edgar Street. Of those 32% just go to the football, 32% go shopping and 36% watch the football and also go shopping.

The rather too long meeting ended at 9.45pm.