Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Nominated Club Directors

HUST Members are being asked for their views on how the trusts three nominated club directors are chosen.
Craig Goodall, HUST Vice-Chair responsible for governance explains, ‘The HUST board are committed to bringing openness and transparency to all of its dealings and have worked hard to turnaround the society since the intervention of Supporters Direct in 2015.  One of the key issues the Board wish to provide clarity on is the role and responsibilities of our HUST nominated directors, how they are appointed, how they are removed from office and the role that the wider membership will have in these areas.  We hope that these areas are clearly articulated in our HUST Nominated Director Policy but we want to be certain our Members agree.   In advance of the Trust AGM, the Board are making the policy available for 14 days to allow Members to provide their feedback.  The Board are interested in all views, especially if it provides us with the opportunity to make improvements’.
Following the close of the consultation feedback will be reviewed and presented to the HUST Board at its meeting on 14 September 2017.  The final policy will then be presented to the HUST AGM alongside an implementation plan in October.
If you have any feedback on the policy please send it directly to Craig at before Thursday 31 August 2017.
Download the policy document here.